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The Manipulative Philosophy of Esper | MTG Color Pie Guide

The Philosophy of Esper

Magic: the Gathering's color pie is an inherently complex thing, sure each of its five colors are rigid and easy to define but the magic happens when you begin to combine these colors to create something new. This game of ours has leveraged this complexity to craft many unique factions and characters over the years, but when it comes to three color combinations, known as shards and wedges, the definitions become less apparent and the examples less available. That's why, in this new series, I aim to clear up what drives each of them at a fundamental level, starting with the shard of Esper, the combination of White, Blue and Black. A Shard that is driven by ambitious goals and a desire for excellence, accomplished through control of ones self and their environment.


Within Magic: the Gathering we have two examples of Esper or White, Blue, Black factions. Those are the Obscura from streets of new Capenna and of course the Shard of Esper from Alaraa. Both of these factions represent similar yet different takes on this combination of colors. Showing us already that shards can be varied in their beliefs, while still rooted in a common set of ideals. The Obscura are a group of mystics, who utilize their abilities in prophesy and in communion with the dead, to pull the strings of new Capenna behind the scenes. By leveraging this outside knowledge they are able to blackmail leaders and manipulate events before they come to be.

This version leans a lot more into a core of Black, with its willingness to manipulate society in a way that favors them and the group they are within. With the shard of Esper on the other hand we see something a little different. This world is a cold place of efficiency, where any form of humanity and nature have been scrubbed clean, clearly leaning into the lack of Green and Red mana. This iteration of the shard predominantly features Blue, with its desire to find perfection at all costs, which is accompanied by Black and White in order to undertake this task with a pragmatic and final approach.

When it comes to the most common creature types and classes in Esper we presented with an abundance of Sphinx and Wizards. The Sphinx is a being of great wisdom and intelligence, one that speaks in riddles, twisting knowledge and playing with it. Like a currency that is obscured so that only the most clever may access it. While the Wizard could be said to be a class that manipulates reality, through its vast practical knowledge and arcane mastery. Presenting us with an example of what can be achieved through drive and discipline.

With these examples we begin to see a pattern emerge. Through them we understand that Esper manipulates its surroundings in one form or another, and that it takes on lofty goals with a sense of almost righteous indignation for other ways of thinking, because, to be blunt, Esper believes in their own goals above all else. Meaning its them who has defined what is best through its calculated and pragmatic approach to to life, and that others are simply just blind to the truth.

Resulting in an environment like that of the Shard of Esper on Alaraa, on that is transformed into a world of efficiencies, or of the Obscura and their manipulation of society. That said such a philosophy can be applied at a more personal level as well, transforming into a personality that shapes ones own life to reflect the greatness they see in ones self through discipline and control. Whatever the approach or outlook Esper does not settle for half best. With Blue and Black within its identity ambition is like a drug that it cannot get enough of, while White provides that structured diligence needed to achieve such an idealistic way of being.

This I would say is the core of Esper, the most common way to look at it, but its not the whole picture. When it comes to shards and wedges, there is a need to break them down into three parts. One for each of the colors present. What I mean is that by leaning a bit more into one of the colors as our core color, then three versions of the combination can be discussed. So let's do just that and begin with the philosophy centered in Blue.

Blue Focus – Pragmatic Perfection

Esper Guy Blue

The dichotomy of the human spirit is inherently imbalanced, and prone to failure. If we could instead harmonize our actions with the fulcrum of logic then perhaps we could be driven by pragmatism towards perfection. A lofty way of thinking sure but to Esper such an outlook comes naturally. When this combination roots its identity in Blue then logical outcomes which result in an idealized self become a focus, and this way of thinking is balanced with the colors at each of its side. You see, while accompanied by white-black or orzhov, Blue turns into a color that takes into consideration both sides of the coin that is humanity. A person who follows this version of Esper recognizes the need for optimal solutions that are both ideal and feasible, considering the constraints and realities of the situation.

All to achieve the best outcome for themselves and the greater world around them. This new outlook makes up a version of Esper that is defined by Pragmatic perfection. This concept emphasizes balancing ideal outcomes with realistic constraints and practical solutions. These solutions always come with a cost, but that cost is weighed against all potential inputs, to craft an output that is most sensible and plausible. While acted upon with a finality and confidence ever present in White-Black.

This core color, mixed with the color pair within, often leads to a person who thinks very highly of their own actions as they believe that only they have calculated all potential outcomes and it's them that holds the key to the one truth. This can result in them asserting their way of thinking onto others, aiming to reach perfection not just in themselves but to the wider world around them. They are an idealist with a strong sense of self confidence, and nothing can stop them. They will then shed inefficiencies within themselves and those around them, for no effort should be wasted and all actions should feed into the greater goal.

Black Focus – Structures of Self-determination

Esper, when Black is the core, focuses inward to actualize systems of personal agency that can be leveraged to succeed in its every day life. You see Black is a color that aims to get the best out of its life for itself or the smaller group it is a part of, while the inner combination of Azhorius establishes the efficient frameworks that ensure the right path is followed. This results in the idea I call structures of self-determination, which can be understood as the frameworks or systems through which individuals or groups exercise autonomy and control over their own lives and decisions by putting into place rules that protects its trajectory.

Someone who follows this way of thinking is goal driven and routine focused in order to achieve the lofty heights they see for themselves. They know they are destined for greatness, and truthfully that everyone is, its just that we allow ourselves to fall into the traps of incremental satisfaction instead of setting up ones self for success through diligence. Often times Esper can be seen as a manipulator of the world around it but when it's brought inward it can also be a force for self-realization, through determination and discipline.

The combination of Black's ambition, Blue's pursuit of efficiency, and White's structured approach fosters a mindset of continuous improvement. Individuals are constantly refining their methods and strategies to achieve better outcomes for themselves. This balance prevents the descent into ruthless self-interest and the cannibalization of self that can be present when Black is alone, it instead fosters endless growth of self or society. Think of the person who lives life full of routines, ideals and ambitions. This is the Esper individual. Someone who knows that greatness is one step away, but those steps must be taken slowly and with purpose.

White Focus – Rule of Ambition

Society is a messy thing, we all aim to grasp at straws to fulfill our fleeting lives, but this approach leaves us wandering, never able to accomplish much. Imagine instead, if you will, a world where structures are built to facilitate progress. In such a world, the only moral code is that of ambition. Not one where we build up the false idols of consumerism and instant gratification but rather those of integrity and personal growth. Of course these are ideals that do not come easy, and the world must be shaped around them, and those that falter must be cast aside in such a world, as progress waits for no one.

White on its own will be a color that is always looking to how it can shape the world into a better place, but often times it can be bogged down by moral concerns and the legality of its own design. By combining with Dimir, a pair that has no qualms with doing what needs to be done to achieve ones ends, it's able to manipulate outcomes in a way that white is unable to on its own. In some cases this is overt and in others its shrewd. It all depends on the audience of its schemes. Whatever the approach, its unflinching in its application.

This means undermining those that do not follow its path, through subterfuge if possible, for a clever hand unseen is better than a fist displayed openly. Because of this strategy Esper can accomplish its work in the background of society, massaging outcomes until its utopia is achieved. Because of this most of the citizens that live within its society are unaware of the true nature of an Esper leader, instead they see a visionary who works diligently toward a better world. Such Esper visionaries would lead the charge into a new world, setting ambitious goals and charting paths that inspire collective action, and their ability to see beyond the immediate and trivial would galvanize society towards meaningful accomplishments. It's this presence of Dimir within white that can produce a leader who can be both a true idealist, and the hand in the shadows pulling the strings.


Esper takes on a lot of negative connotations in Magic: the gathering, and I am not just talking about game-play. But the truth is that Esper is a shard with high aspirations and expectations, and sure that can be hard to vibe with for some people, and colors like Green or Red, but to those that understand the Esper way of thinking they know that its merely a combination for those who want some control in their lives, and a goal to work towards. They are people of efficiency, structure and ambition. Sure sometimes that control can become suffocating, but what philosophy is not dangerous if taken to far. Perhaps if we were to allow such visionaries to lead then perhaps the world would be a better place.

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