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Interview with MTG Lore Seeker

When I am feeling overwhelmed or need a bit of inspiration I always find myself watching other content creators whose work I admire for inspiration. There are a lot of them out there, each with their own perspectives and styles. So for my curiosity and yours, I thought it would be awesome to be able to ask them some questions. In what will become a series exclusive to I will be doing just that. My first interview is with MTG Lore Seeker, a YouTuber with a wide knowledge of Magic's history and a person with a hidden knack for humor.


Hello, Lore Seeker let's start things off with tell us who you are and what your content is all about.

Lore Seeker

Hello; I'm MTGLoreseeker and I run a youtube channel of the same name. My content mostly centers on exploring the story of Magic the Gathering by explaining different characters and events. I also take a look at the cards, comparing them flavorfully to what they represent in the story. The majority of my videos simply explain the histories of the various characters we've met in the lore of the game.


So what then brought you to become a content creator for Magic?

Lore Seeker

Over a year ago, before I started the channel, a friend of mine and I was digging through bulk cards to build some decks; my friend held up a copy of Metathran Elite and asked 'what the hell is a Metathran?'. On the spot, I went off on a half-hour spiel telling him everything I knew about the race - their history, characteristics, and fate - but he ended up interrupting me and saying "dude, stop, just make a youtube video about it".

I ended up taking a look through YouTube, and saw not many content creators really covered them, and so decided 'why not?' By the time I had finished the Metathran video, my mind was already moving on to Equilor and how there's NOBODY talking about it, so of course, I went and made that a video, too. Since then I've just been making videos as a hobby, whatever topic comes to mind at first, though now I take suggestions.


It's the deep dives into Magic's past that drew me to your channel initially but I have to say I love your tone and style as well. That said, what has been the biggest struggle for you? Have you had any roadblocks or moments when it seemed like you were going to throw in the towel?

Lore Seeker

Aside from the difficulties of editing these videos with barely any know-how? I suppose my biggest 'struggle' is my concern to be not just 'entertaining', but 'correct'. Magic has nearly 30 years' worth of story and characters to explore, some of it contradictory and a LOT of it is hard to find. More than once I've scrapped a video I've put days of effort into after learning that there was a crucial detail or bit of info I missed.

Very recently, I've begun the practice of linking sources in my videos whenever possible, because I want people who follow my content to be able to have access to the same information I did. My big fear is a video being released and then seeing someone in the comments section informing me that I got something wrong; it hasn't happened yet but it gnaws at me.


Wow, I honestly felt alone in that fear. It's something I worry about all the time. Well it's not all bad though, what about your content that makes it all worth doing? What's that motivating factor, or that thing that gives you a boost.

Lore Seeker

The Vorthos side of Magic is one that's always been criminally underexplored on YouTube; there's a lot of channels for it, but nowhere near the density of, say, Modern deck techs or Commander podcasts. There's a lot of really talented people out there covering the story, but I enjoy throwing my hat in the ring as well. It's a learning experience for me since for some of this stuff I'm learning it as I go, but it makes it a journey of sorts: reading about and finding interesting lore to share with my viewers just feels fun.

In the end, it's a hobby. The feedback I get is always great and keeps me going, I doubt I'll be stopping anytime soon.

Plus, as I said earlier, there are some topics that just aren't being covered. I'm not perfect, but I'd like to bring light to some of these rarely-discussed subjects.


So it's the love of the story, I mean at the end of the day I guess that's what inspires us all to make content for this game. OK, let's step away from Youtube for a moment. What I want to know is: What is one thing that you would change about Magic if you could, whether that be the story, the game, or hell the marketing? What is that one sore spot for you?

Lore Seeker

There's a lot of issues I have with the current way WotC handles the game, from F.I.R.E. design to the way the story is handled; we've had more banned cards in 3 years than in the ten prior, and there's a WIDE variety of creative decisions I hate. BUT, if I could change ONE thing, it would be going back to the previous sales model. Bring back MSRP. Toss out secret lairs, collector boosters, set boosters, and all that other nonsense. Give us the basic booster pack, a fat pack for those who want them, and that's it. This new era of 'extra product' has been a massive red flag for me, and I really want WotC to dial it back. Yes, you're a company and yes, you want to make money. But this is not how you do it.


There is a definite product bloat these days, I can agree with you there. When is Magic at its best then. Not what time period per say, but when are you most in love with Magic? Is it reading the books? Playing a certain format? The collecting?

Lore Seeker

Without a doubt, Magic is most enjoyable when sitting at the kitchen table with my friends and goofing off for several hours. I love reading the story, I have a modest, growing collection, and building decks is always fun. But my friends and I sitting around playing goofball games in various formats is just the best.


From the conversations, we have had before I know you used to play YuGiOh. What was that moment where you knew that this was it, You loved Magic, and that it would come to play a big role in your life? The sort of Ah-ha moment that solidified your love for the game.

Lore Seeker

I tinkered with Magic on and off since 2013 but didn't really get into it until a year later when, for me, Yu-Gi-Oh! got REALLY bad. I jumped ship pretty hard, keeping only a deck or two to play with my one friend. I looked for other hobbies but a lot of my friends pushed me into Magic. I had already read a lot of the books at the time because I'm a fantasy nerd so getting into the game wasn't a completely alien experience, I knew what was what, and grasping the game was easy. But, I had a hard time understanding standard rotation and hated the idea that my cards 'expired' after a while, so I almost drifted out again. It wasn't until an older gentleman traded me a copy of Sliver Queen, and the possibilities of eternal formats opened up, that I really got into the game. Once I built my first EDH deck, that was it, I was hooked.


I know that feeling about YuGiOh all too well, it had a good structure. So then what's your favorite deck to play right now, whichever the format?

Lore Seeker

The same deck that got me hooked on the game in the first place: It's been around 6 years but my Sliver Queen EDH deck is my pride and joy, the crown jewel of my collection.


It's nice having that deck that feels like it's yours, one that you keep close. Alright, let's end it with one final question. You're a story guy and someone who is pretty invested in the lore. So I wanted to ask you what your hopes for 2021 in regards to the story or its delivery?

Lore Seeker

With the release of War of the Spark, we had a dead period with no new online stories being released. Recently, we got new stories again starting with Zendikar Rising, as well as more attention to the lore with things like the flavor blurbs for Zendikar Rising and Commander Legends. The Wildered Quest and Sundered Bond were both fine novels, but my big hope for Magic, moving forward, is that free short stories continue to be released alongside their respective sets.

Maybe I'm spoiled, but I don't think any 'standard set' Magic Lore should be behind a paywall.


I can agree with that for sure. Half of the charm of the game is the stories and characters, the short stories really do this side justice. Alright well, that's it for our interview, I'll be sure to link you to YouTube and Twitter below.

Is there anything else you want to shoutout? Is there a big project you have coming or anything else you want to draw attention to?

Lore Seeker

There's loads of small MTG channels out there: always keep an eye out for them! Thanks for having me.

Big shoutout to MTG Lore Seeker for being my first interview on the site. Be sure to let me know what you think by signing in and leaving a comment below. If you haven't yet then head over to Lore Seekers Youtube page and show him some support. With that, I'll catch you in the Multiverse, Bye!

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